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The Voting Round

After round 1 of the Pilot, we held a dual-token vote to determine the winning Ship Operators.

The first token was ARB, allowing Arbitrum DAO to signal which Operators it felt best allocated funds.

The second token was Grant Ships Voting Token airdropped to participants and judges familiar with the program.

The Arbitrum Vote

The Arbitrum Vote was held first. A total of 5393040.91 ARB was used by delegated Arbitrum voters to signal on which Grant Ship Operator performed best.

The archived results can be viewed here: Archived Arbitrum DAO Vote

Ship "The Jade Shadow" was eliminated in this round.

Community Vote - Introducing WARP

"Don't you worry, this old ship'll give you fifty five more laps around the 'alaxy if you treat her right. So long as those back home keep mining WARP, we'll be just fine."

~ Late Captain of the Jade Shadow

We're renaming GSVT to call the voting token "WARP". In game terms, WARP is used to propel ships from afar. So long as someone commits enough WARP to a particular ship, it can keep flying, complete its funding missions and make it back home.

In Round 1 the Community Vote followed the Arbitrum vote. One Ship (The Jade Shadow) was eliminated by the Arbitrum vote, and the Community vote was held for the 2 remaining ships.

In Round 2 these votes will be held concurrently.

We airdropped WARP totaling 103,637 to grant recipients, ship operators and a selection of community judges.

How we Apportioned WARP in Round 1

WARP tokens were apportioned as follows:


Project Voting Power

For the 40% apportioned to projects, each project was given a base amount of WARP for having received a grant, plus an amount based on the funding they received across all ships and portion of milestones they completed.

Ships and Judges

Ships and Judges were given a set amount, split evenly across each.

Judges were selected from the community from individuals who are familiar with the Grant Ships project and enthusiastic about participating.

Voting turnout

Of these 103,637 airdropped voting tokens, 64456 (62%) were used to vote.

Of active voters, projects represented 51% of voting power, Ships 21% and Judges 28%.

The active voters were:

Monkey Empire5506Project
GMetaRaves: Beats4831Project
AR World4917Project
Blue Moon Ship6667Ship
Green Pill Dev Ship6667Ship

Round 2: Introducing WARP Mining

We're introducing new ways for community members to earn WARP, so they can use it to support their favorite ships.

We've created 5 levels of reward for various in-game activities.

1100Weekly Update, Project Referral w/Completed Profile
2200Exceptional Weekly Update, Completed Profile (after 8/16), Verified Bug Report
3400Review a Project, Completed Profile (before 8/16), Referred Project receives Grant
4800Review a Project & Share, Review a Ship & Share
51600Vote, Publish a Thoughtful Editorial (text or video), Exceptional Review
-5-1600Fail to Vote
  • At the end of Round 2, this WARP will be added to voter totals.
  • All bonuses are subject to Facilitator view for quality and to prevent sybil, spoofing, etc.
  • Individual voting totals are relative and may be prorated to keep total WARP airdrop at 100,000 WARP or similar.

Activity Rewards for Round 2

Publish a Thoughtful Editorial

To encourage the community to create thoughtful analysis and review of the activities within the current game round, we offer a level 5 reward for publishing a thoughtful editorial. This can be video or text, but should be a review and analysis of the current game round in your own words. Editorials must be published on a public blog-like site and shared on Twitter.

Weekly in-app Project or Ship Update

A level 1 reward will be given each week to any ship or project that makes a meaningful update on their Grant Ships page.

Game Facilitators may select a "Best Post" each week, judged by quality and usefulness to the community audience. A level 2 reward will be given to selected posts.

Verified Bug Report

A level 2 reward will be given to anybody who identifies and reports a bug once it has been verified by a developer. Bugs can be reported in the Grant Ships telegram.

Project Referral

A level 1 reward will be given if you refer a project to Grant Ships and they fill out their profile. To qualify, referred project should mention you in the Grant Ships telegram.

Referred Project Receives a Grant

If a project you referred receives a grant, you will receive a level 3 reward.

Complete Project Profile

Complete your project profile before Aug 16 for a level 3 reward. Complete after Aug 16 for level 2.

Completed profiles include:

  • Banner, profile image, playable link
  • 4 carousel items with at least 1 video
  • 1 Intro Update - talk about the project, what you're building, use Rich Text heading feature and appropriate formatting. Include a link or image (can double as your weekly update)
  • 3+ social links (Email, Discord, TG, Twitter, etc)

Complete Ship Profile

Complete your Ship profile before Aug 16 for a level 3 reward. Complete after Aug 16 for level 2.

Completed profiles include:

  • Beacon invitation filled out for project applications
  • 1 Intro Update - talk about your Ship and introduce yourself to the community.
  • 3+ forms of contact info provided (Email, Discord, TG, Twitter, etc)

Write a Project Review

We have plans to implement a review system into the app.

Until then to qualify for this, you can post an update on your feed that reviews another game. This will help us gather requirements for the review feature.

Write the review: Level 3 Write the review and share on Twitter: Level 4

Reviews will be screened by Game Facilitators for quality and completeness before being rewarded any tokens. Put some effort into it and youo'll be fine Level 5 bonus may be given to an exceptional review shared on social media

Not Voting (Slash)

Voting power will be slashed due to lack of participation. If you don't or didn't vote, you will have less voting power in the following round. This slash is equal to -1 level 5 reward.


Pretty simple - participate in the end of round vote when it comes up.

Future Community Features


This system will lead into a badge system, where your profile will be decorated with badges representing your accomplishments, with each badge giving a boost in voting power going forward. We hope to have many of these badges automated or awarded by the community, rather than relying on Game Facilitator discernment and attention.

Carrying forward

Voting power will carry forward into future voting rounds, and the bonuses will update proportional to the total voting pool in each round.


This is an experimental system with a rich design space. We'd like to hear your feedback. Please reach out on the Grant Ships telegram

Released under the MIT License.