How To Play as a Voter
As community member you get to vote on the performance of the Ship Operators. Your vote impacts how much funding each Ship will receive in the upcoming round.
- Vote to elect Grant Ships in the setup phase
- Vote after each Grant Ship allocation round
For the pilot round, Ship Operators were selected by Game Facilitators.
How Voting works
After each funding round, Voters have an opportunity to vote on their favorite Grant Ships.
Ships that receive more votes are trusted with more funds in future rounds.
Ships that don't get enough votes (e.g. 10% of total) may be jettisoned from their ship and replaced by a new Ship Operator.
In this way Voters shapes the grants program, determining who is given more resources, and who should be slashed, and who should be replaced.
Each DAO can configure Grant Ships differently, for instance when determine minimum voting thresholds for Ships to continue
Coming Soon
During the Pilot Round, voters have an important role to play between rounds 1 and 2.
Learn more about how Community Voting works.