Grant Ships: The Evolutionary Grants Framework
Grant Ships is an "evolutionary grants framework" styled as a game, designed to refine and advance best practices within grants programs. The framework allows for competition, collaboration, and skill-sharing among grant programs.
Selected grant programs — known as "Ships" — innovate and engage in a public arena, where they are observed and evaluated by the community and/or designated judges.
These assessments set each Ship’s starting position for the next round, rewarding top performers and allowing new Ships to join. This iterative cycle drives continuous innovation, leading to ever-improving strategies and outcomes.
Key Features:
- Onchain All data and user actions occur onchain.
- Community Powered: Your Community keeps control over funds even while giving permission to Ships to distribute funds.
- Public Process: From grant application to milestone delivery, every activity is onchain and displayed for the public.
- Checked & Balanced: Multiple stakeholders are involved in every transaction, providing checks and balances before funds are distributed.
- Protected Funds: No direct access to funds by any one actor within the game. All distributions are made through smart contracts and recorded and published onchain in a transparent manner.
Different Shapes
Every community is different, and every Grant Ships deploy is customized for the community it serves.
Each phase of the Evolutionary Cycle can be adjusted to fit the needs of the community. Some communities may want to amplify the competitive aspect, while others may want to focus more on collaboration, skill-sharing and feedback.
So long as the iterative cycle of improvement is present, Grant Ships will work its magic over time.