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An Evolutionary Grants Framework

Grant Ships is an "evolutionary grants framework". That means we let grant programs innovate in public, then let the public assess them and decide their future funding levels, encouraging them to stay accountable, grow and evolve.

Key Features:

  • A Turn-key Grants Program for your DAO: Your community supplies the funds and elects the Ship Operators -- The Grant Ships platform handles the rest.
  • DAO Powered: Your DAO keeps control over funds even while giving permission to Ship Operators to distribute funds to promising projects. Voters impact the outcome of each round.
  • Public Process: From grant application to milestone delivery, every activity is onchain and displayed for public eyes. No more mystery back room deals. All outcomes are visible.
  • Checked & Balanced: Multiple stakeholders are involved in every transaction, providing checks and balances before funds are distributed.
  • Protected Funds: No direct access to funds by any one actor within the game. All distributions are made through smart contracts and recorded and published onchain in a transparent manner.

Grant Ships on The Green Pill:

Green Pill Short

Green Pill Full Episode

The Grant Ships Concept

Grant Ships is more than just a funding mechanism; it's a strategic game that brings fun and competition to your DAO's grants program.

Roles in Grant Ships


Voters elect Grant Ships and decide which ships "get more cash" and which "just get slashed".

Game Facilitators

These crucial players oversee the distribution of funds to grant recipients, ensuring compliance with the rulebook and maintaining the overall health of the game.

Projects (aka Grantees)

Grant Ships is all about giving grants to promising projects. Project teams are responsible for delivering on their proposals and keeping the community updated on their progress.

Grant Ship Operators

Ship Operators compete to give the best grants. They can update the community on their strategy and decisions throughout the funding round in hopes of being rewarded with more funds through the end-of-round community vote.

The Game Mechanics

Our cutting edge onchain voting technology allows your community to elect Ship Operators. These Operators use the Grant Ships platform to invite Project applications and make funding decisions. Voters vote at the end to decide which Operators should get more cash, and which should just get slashed.

This creates a fun, competitive environment where grant allocators work hard to be the best.

Community and Decentralization

Power and decision-making are distributed between Game Facilitators, Ship Operators, Project teams and Community Voters. Each player has an important role, and an engaged community makes the game fun and leads to effective grants.

Advantages of Grant Ships

Grant Ships is a great way to keep your DAO informed and engaged in your grants program. No more back room deals or confusing end of quarter reports. Everything happens in real time, onchain and includes everyone in your community.

Released under the MIT License.