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How To Play As A Game Facilitator

Game Facilitators arbitrate the game rules and verify Grant Ship distributions.

Grant Ship Icon Game Facilitators

  • Review Allocation Disclosures from Grant Ships to ensure they are not malicious
  • Approve fund allocations to projects as per request from Grant Ships
  • Flag Grant Ships that are not operating by the rulebook
  • Host live Minting Events where they approve Allocation Disclosures

How it Works

In the Grant Ships app, the Grant Ship Icon icon represents Game Facilitator activity.

When a Grant Ship is ready to distribute funds to a Grant Recipient, they create a request that is reviewed by Game Facilitators.

If the grant request meets the approval criteria, Game Facilitators execute the request and funds are distributed.

They are also responsible for administrative tasks related to setting up community votes, initiate new funding rounds and keeping the community apprised of progress in the Grant Ships game.

Coming Soon

For the pilot round, the DAO Masons team will be operating as Game Facilitators. In the future this will be an elected position.

Released under the MIT License.